This is a question I very often get from “wannabie” affiliate marketers – ‘But how do I earn money from affiliate marketing?’
Well in this post I’m going to give you just a few methods that I use or have used in the past. So lets get to it.
You are wondering how to get people to actually click on your links and buy? Then check out these tactics for making money as an affiliate blogger!
- Make Money Writing Reviews
This is a pretty well-known tactic, but it’s one that works oh so well… IF, done correctly.
You’ve got to learn the formula for writing a review that makes people want to buy. Just telling people what you like or didn’t like about the product won’t cut it.
You need to put other components in there like who the product is and isn’t for, images/videos, proof, negatives, and most importantly a call to action! You always need to tell your reader what to do to get the sale!
As I said, if you do your research and learn to write a good review then this could be a huge money-making tactic for you.
- Make More Money By Finding High Paying Affiliate Programs
Most of us who start our affiliate blogging journey use Amazon affiliate links or other affiliate programs that pay 1%-5% commissions on low priced products.
You’re going to have to make a lot of sales to see a good income from these kind of programs.
While they’re great to have, if you want to make more money in your affiliate blogging business you’re going to need to go and find affiliate programs that pay higher commissions and/or have higher priced products and services.
If your blog is currently bringing in a couple hundred dollars a month you can give yourself an instant pay raise by finding affiliate programs that pay more.
- Make Money By Creating Tutorials
If there is anything you can teach in your niche, you should be teaching it either via written tutorials and/or video tutorials.
This is a great type of content to create because it’s engaging and if you find things you can promote within your tutorial as an affiliate, you’ll make more sales because the tutorial actually helps your audience by showing them what to do.
Do a search on Google for “how to + your niche” and you’ll probably find all kinds of things you could create tutorials around.
Once you have your ideas then seek out affiliate products you can promote within your tutorials, and get those tutorials created.
This is one of those great tactics that has many marketing components all wrapped into one.
- Make Money Monthly With Recurring Affiliate Payments
Earlier we talked about making more money by finding affiliate programs that have higher priced products and/or pay higher commissions, but you can also make more by finding affiliate programs that pay you on a monthly on-going basis.
Things like hosting, membership sites, services, etc. are all things that charge people monthly. When you join their affiliate programs (sometimes) you get paid each month that your reader pays.
That means you make the sale once and continue to get paid month after month. This is a great passive income tactic because you don’t have to do any other work to keep getting paid.
Search Google for recurring affiliate programs in your niche or check out any affiliate marketplace that you belong to.
Depending on your niche you should be able to find at least one, but if you can find a couple then you can promote multiples of these kind of affiliate programs.
Build those multiple streams of recurring income!
- Make Money Making Deals
Want to know how to really get your reader excited to buy something? Offer them a discount!
How many times have you bought something because it was on sale or you had a coupon for it? For me it’s a constant battle to not buy something when I can get a discount or a coupon, and it’s the same for many others.
Contact the programs that you’re an affiliate for and see if they can offer any kind of discount, additional bonuses, coupons, etc for what you’re promoting.
Generally, even though you’re going to make less commissions you’ll get more buyers which will have you making more money when you use this tactic!
- Make Money By Investing Your Profits
Once you start making some money from your blog the best thing you can do is take some of the profits and invest them back into your business!
There are a few ways you can do this. You can buy courses and/or coaching to help you get better at your marketing. You can pay someone to create different types of content (or higher quality content) for you.
Things like infographics, videos, tutorials, etc. You can also invest your money into paid advertising. If your blog is already making money getting more traffic will allow you to make even more money!
Your blog continuing to grow and make money all counts on you getting better at your marketing, providing more and better content, and getting more traffic, so investing your profits is crucial to growing your income!
- Make Money Going Live
There are many platforms that you can go Live on now. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. all allow you to go Live right on their platforms. There is even software that will allow you to go Live on all of them simultaneously.
But how do this make you more money from going Live?
Well, if you’re providing valuable information (and you should) it’s going to make your audience love you! By you appearing live you’re also going to become more real to your readers which is going to get them to know who you are.
People buy from people they know, and this is a great way for your audience to get to know you. And when you add that special sauce, i.e. a promotion for a product you’re promoting as an affiliate you can turn your live into a multifaceted piece of marketing.
Plus, don’t forget to save those Lives and use them for ongoing content!
You can get started with Lives by just doing a simple Q&A (Questions and Answers) session or an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session and then start doing lives on topics your readers and followers want to know about based on the feedback you get from them!
This is a killer tactic that if you can put just a bit of effort into will pay off over and over again.
So, there we go!
That’s several different tactics I just gave you that will allow you to make money as an affiliate blogger. If you’re already making money use these strategies in addition to what you’re already doing to make even more money.
Start with one, and keeping adding tactics as you have time, and watch your income grow!