So, you’ve got your blog all setup, you’re cranking out content, you’re getting traffic, and sales are…zilch!
If you’ve put in all the work and are at least getting some sales, it’s time to bring in some tactics that will help you make more sales from your efforts.
Here are six strategies you can start using right now to start making more sales as an affiliate blogger.
Strategy #1: Check Your Content
As an affiliate blogger, your content is everything! It’s got to be absolutely incredible content that your audience wants to read. You can’t just throw some words together and expect the sales to start pouring in.
There are many online resources that will tell you the content that is getting the most engagement and you can look at that content and get ideas for your own content.
Also, if you’re not good at writing content then you can pay a professional content creator who can create amazing content for you that brings in more sales.
You only have to pay for that content one time, and you can continue to profit from it over and over again for a very long time.
Strategy #2: More Traffic = More Sales
Now this is a little obvious, but if you have content on your blog that is already making you sales then if you can get more traffic to it, you will make more sales.
If you have a post on your blog that is making you money you could take some of that money and invest it into paid advertising. This will get you targeted traffic to a post that is already making you money.
Wouldn’t you invest $1 in ads to make more than that $1 investment back? Of course, so find out which blog posts you have that are doing the best, and pay for all the traffic that you can.
Just make sure to test and track so you can ensure you’re making money on your advertising investment.
Strategy #3: It’s Not JUST Blogging
As an affiliate blogger you may think that theyonly way you can reach your audience is to… well… blog!
However, you can also use your blog to build your email list! Honestly, if you’re not doing this, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.
If you can get your blog readers onto an email list, you’re going to be able to reach them whenever you want.
You can email that list directly about things you’re promoting as an affiliate, you can engage with them via email, you can email them about new blog posts that will make you money, and so much more.
If you don’t use anything from all of the strategies I’m giving you here, make sure to at the very least use this one!
Build your list even if you’ve labeled yourself as a blogger because you will watch your sales go way up every time you send an email to your list!
Strategy #4: Show Them The Goods
One of the best strategies you’ll ever employ is video marketing, but in a very specific way.
Get on camera and show your blog readers the products and services that you’re recommending and promoting.
This should go without saying, but you should only promote products that you love and use yourself.
By showing your readers that you use them too, you will build more trust, more authority, build more bonds, and a whole bunch of other psychological selling strategies that I wont get into, but this is a multifaceted strategy with a lot of selling power!
You also have many options for doing video marketing in this way. You can do comparison videos, screencam videos (you don’t even have to show your face with these) review videos, unboxing videos, and videos where you’re actually using the products.
You’ll be able to come up with many more ideas when you’re actually using the products and services, so make sure and take notes of any ideas you have and use this strategy!
Strategy #5: Become A Spy
Ok, I’m not recommending something illegal here, but I do recommend you find your competition and spy on them.
I’m talking about the other affiliate bloggers in your niche that you KNOW are making money and building a huge audience.
Take a look at what they are doing and take notes of their strategies, blog design, and anything else they’re doing that you can do for yourself.
And of course, I am not saying to copy anyone. That’s ethically and legally wrong, but you can definitely research your competition and get ideas for your own strategies!
Always remember… Success leaves footprints and you should always be looking for those footprints.
Strategy #6: Call Them On It
I see a lot of affiliate bloggers out there with great content and they have a healthy size audience, but they just aren’t making a lot of sales.
The biggest reason is they aren’t telling their reader what to do.
You can’t just casually mention a product all of the time and expect sales. You have to actually tell your readers what to do and what benefit their going to get by doing it.
Of course, we want to tell them to click the link to get the thing that will solve their problem or help them or whatever the benefit is.
Most of us hate to seem “salesy”, but that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing. We want to make money and there is nothing wrong with that, and don’t let anyone tell you that there is.
If making money is your number one reason for being an affiliate blogger, and your number two reason is to help and educate people.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with making money being your number one reason, so don’t be afraid to ask for the sale.
Start studying how to create “calls to action” that will make your readers click and buy through your affiliate links, and you’ll see your affiliate sales go through the roof!
There you go! That’s 6 different strategies you can use right now to start increasing your sales as an affiliate blogger. You don’t have to use all of these affiliate strategies at once, just one at a time.
Pick one to start with right now, put it into use, tweak it until it’s working, and then come back and add another strategy. As you stack these strategies on top of each other your sales will continue to grow!