Sailing through COVID-19 hasn’t been easy. There are numerous hurdles and challenges one had to succumb to. The job front was no different. Millions of people had to sit back and adjust to the new way of life.
Work from home is now the order of the day.
Of course, remote working is not a new concept. Millions across the globe have been working remotely for years. Freelancers for instance. But, work from home is not a typical option for all and sundry.
The idea of waking up at a certain time, rushing to work, and all the hustles involved were common.
Kissing goodbye to all this hasn’t been easy.
Now that you are stuck at home, working long hours, do you feel that your efficiency is not up to the mark? The amount of household chores has increased drastically.
Children share the same space as you.
Of course, there is commotion and noise.
There’s TV or radio running in the background.
In a nutshell, with so many distractions, the struggle is real.
You are not alone in the game of struggle my friend. Employees all over the world have complained of facing a hard time dealing with distractions.
Ones with children to take care of, have their hands full. It is extremely stressful already and it does take a toll on your productivity.
While the chances of distractions coming to an end are pretty much dim, let’s look at ways to stay calm and focused.
A dip in your productivity is not acceptable.
Luckily, there are effective ways by which you can enjoy intense concentration, roll on with good time management skills, and schedule your work to stay on top of your game.
Wondering how?
Well, let’s take a quick look at ways to maximize your productivity while you are working from home.
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Indulge in a self-care routine before kick-starting your day
Think about it – when you hopped out of your home to go to work day-in-day-out, you were pumped to get started with your bustling life.
Staying on toes kept you focused to give your best performance at work.
Now that you are stuck at home, the momentum is pretty much lost.
Research shows that if you enjoy a good hour or so doing whatever makes you feel good, your efficiency sees a spike.
How about reading a journal or pampering yourself to some good music? Working out in the mornings works wonders for your health and your mood.
You can meditate and feel the bliss. Just indulge in some self-care moments and see the magic.
Do not do household chores during your working hours
Having a sink full of dishes to clean is not easy to ignore. You might be tempted to do a few household chores and get them struck off your list.
But, little do you realize that this brings down your performance at work. Switching gears from doing some serious work to doing your laundry is a big bummer.
Instead, try and finish wrapping up your household chores later in the day, once your working hours are done with.
This will help you start fresh, in a spic and span space, and fewer distractions to deal with.
Avoid watching TV while working
Have a few minutes of break to spare? Take a stroll around your neighborhood instead of getting hooked to your television screens.
Walking in the open is always good since it freshens your mind and improves the circulation of oxygen in your body. TV is a big distraction.
Why embrace it when you could spend your break in a much better way?